Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 11 &12

I'm starting week 12. Woo hoo. Getting closer and closer to that magical 2nd Trimester. Week 14 I'm breaking out the non-alcoholic booze. (oxymoron).

So far, my symptoms are really subsiding, I hope this doesn't make any of you severe morning sickness sufferers mad at me, ha.  With Bren and Lindsey my nausea was really strong.  I only ever upchucked once with both of them, but my nausea and food adversions were so strong and annoying.  This time around good smells are overwhelmingly good... Bad smells aren't getting to me as much.  My nausea hasn't been too terrible.  It gets me at night if I have eaten a big meal a few hours before laying down.

Really I would take some stronger sickness because now I'm sitting here worried if everything is ok. I haven't had a chance to listen to the heartbeat yet, so I am just taking my mild nausea and growing stomach as a sign that that things are progressing ok. That and the fact that Aunt Flo has kept her distance.

Some annoying symptoms... Acne. I have been plagued with bad skin throughout this pregnancy so far. See...
EWE! Gross right?  Yeah.  My skin NEVER breaks out like this.  This is me no make-up OBVIOUSLY. ha.
Well.  I have been so frustrated with it that I decided to get actual FACE STUFF.  I went and got some cleanser (I usually just cleaned my face with soap because my skin wasn't picky) and then I got some neutagena sensitive skin moisturizer.  I also got some new make-up.  Nothing fancy, just some Cover Girl, Maybelline and Revlon stuff.  However, it takes me from the above to this...

much more visually appealing, if you ask me.  A really good buy.  :)

Cravings... SOUR CREAM... I love sour cream right now.  I can eat bites of it.  It's so yummy, but I prefer to dip food in it.  I have been making these quesadilla's of sorts.  Corn tortillas with a slice of sharp cheddar salted.  Then a big dollop of sour cream to dip the slices in.

Really, I have been wanting just about any dairy products... except for ice cream.  Not a big fan... but Frozen Yogurt?  That is a different story.  Milk, cheese, cottage cheese (which I normally hate), cream cheese, sour cream... list goes on.  Dairy is it!

I get to hear the heart beat next Wednesday and I am so excited.  So rather than blog on my usual Tuesday, I am going to blog on Wednesday after my appointment.  I am hoping beyond hopes that I come back with a good report and that a heart beat was heard.  Even though I am experiencing pregnancy symptoms doesn't mean that everything is a o k.  A body can miss a miscarriage and still produce the pregnancy hormones which bring on the symptoms of pregnancy.  Why can I talk about this so nonchalantly?  Well, because I am a realist and this is just a way things COULD go.  However, I am hoping hoping hoping that Wednesday will be the day that I hear the baby's heartbeat and it will become that much more real to me.  As unplanned as this pregnancy was, experiencing a loss is so difficult.  I had a miscarriage in my 6th week of pregnancy in between Lindsey and Brendan, and it was a very emotionally taxing time.  I am preparing myself for the best and worst.

So much about pregnancy is uncertain.  The whole time you are one big ball of worry.  Then once you have the baby and it is healthy and crying in your arms its a whole new level of worry.  It just doesn't stop.  It slows down but doesn't stop.


  1. OMG I FREAKING STARTED CRYING AMY...thanks. Really, to get to me emotionally is tough. But man am I a boohoo sob right now. I ...have nothing to say. I hope everything goes well & I hope it continues to do so because you are an amazing human being & you love with so much. You're real & honest & one of my favorite people. <3

  2. I hope everything goes well at the doctors next week. I am looking forward to good reports and praying for you. Love you!

  3. your looking great! cant wait to hear the report back next week!

  4. Hope the best for the appt! You are so so pretty both ways!

  5. I'm praying for you girl! have an awesome week and don't stress about it. It's all in God's hand(s)!

  6. Ooh cant wait to hear about your appointment! Will be praying for a good one :) you are so lucky that your symptoms arent bad this time around. I am in week 15 and i have been feeling great for a week up until last night when i puked up my dinner again... Ugh cant wait for this part to be over! Haha

  7. I like that you are a realist because I was the same way when I got pregnant with Sara. I do hope that you are able to hear that heart beat and I can't wait to hear all about it.

  8. Thinking of you! Can't wait to hear how it goes! Xo

  9. What a lovely post... you're really quite the writer Miss Schmamey! I can totally understand the merit of being a realist and from what I've read I think it's probably a good tool for you to cope since no one ever knows anything for certain! I am looking forward to hearing about your appointment! =)

  10. Oh, and that make-up is incredible! I'm trying a bunch of different vitamins to combat my occasionally problematic skin... sometimes I think they're working only to break out again. Acne really BLOWS! At least it looks like your skin is happy with your new regime! Woohoo!!!

  11. I hope everything goes swimmingly well! I remember the worries, oh and you're right the worry never goes away it just changes direction. You are gorgeous, make up or no. You are simply, perfectly beautiful.

  12. I'm sure you will here that sweet little heartbeat. It is the craziest sound ever! I can't wait until I actually hear one coming from my own belly:) UGH I hate acne.. I didn't have ANY through highschool and as soon as I hit my 20's BAM. WTF? seriously it sucks, but i'm sure yours will go away soon:) I can't believe your already 12 weeks! It seems like just yesterday you were only 4! CRAZY.

  13. You look lovely! I hate when I have a break out. I've never heard that symptom before. I wonder how common it is or if it is one of those things that people don't normall mention about pregnancy.
    If it were me, I think I would choose acne over sonar nose/nausia any day! I'm already so sensitive to smells. I'm kind of terrified of how that might affect me someday.


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