Ok, so she really turns 5 months in 2 days, but still! It's crazy that almost 5 months has passed since I was 1 week and 1 day past my due date, in the hospital bringing this beautiful baby girl into the world. She is by far my most difficult baby but she makes up for it in cuteness. So, here she is...

What is she doing? Not much different. She has rolled over from back to front. She hates tummy time, totally different from my other two, they loved it, so I don't think she will be rolling over from tummy to back anytime soon. She is using her hands so much more. She will grab and hit at toys. She loves to kick her legs and when she is going to be picked up you can tell she gets super excited. She loves fart noises and raspberries. She is very ticklish on her ribs and neck. She can already fit into a lot 12 month shirts. She is very chubby ha. I didn't think it was possible for a baby to be chubbier than my Lindsey was, but Avery is a lot chubbier ha. She had a visit with her pediatrician last week and she was 18.6 lbs! 26 inches long! Big girl.
She LOVES Mumford and Sons. If she is fussy, I can put on "Sigh No More" and she calms down within seconds. I don't know what it is about them, all I can say is she has a great ear for good music.
I am facing finals. My first one is this coming Saturday I will be taking my Anatomy Physiology Lab and Lecture final. UGH. This week is going to be stressful. Next week is going to be somewhat stressful. After I get A&P done, I will feel much better.
Have a great week everyone.